Sterling Legacy Financial, 2012 All Rights Reserved


Just talking about Insurance can be stressful. There are so many policies, companies and agents to choose from. We all need (and are often required) to have insurance. But buying insurance (in any form) from Health, Auto, Home, Life and even Pet insurance can be so overwhelming. Times are changing and with that policies and what they truly cover are changing as well.

At Sterling Legacy Financial we put your needs first and want to help you get on your “financial feet.” We understand that in today’s economy we have all suffered economic hardships; from job lay-offs, upside down mortgages with balloon payments becoming due, a downward economy creating less jobs and increased living expenses. We have witnessed the decline of the middle class as wages and accessible credit have decreased. Many families have found it extremely difficult to make their monthly bills and the saying, “Living paycheck to pay check” has become almost everyone’s mantra. Often in reviewing our clients finances we find many are over-insured, finding themselves paying high premiums needlessly or are clearly under-insured and in great risk of financial loss and liability.

Part of assessing your financial picture is looking at all forms of your insurance plans. Insurance is very important and offers much needed protection. A fair amount of your budget goes towards paying premiums so we give careful consideration to whether you are properly covered –in all areas.

Our Insurance specialist are the best in their fields and very knowledgeable about their products. Their recommendations are made with your whole financial situation in mind. Often making changes at strategic times to insure your interests are protected and optimized at the highest level.

Your health, your home and your life…your legacy.